The diversity of games and activities, combined with the challenging character and ease of use, allows you to use the Nebula or the Nebula XS for a whole range of goals in the care for the disabled.NYOYN designs and creates innovative products for the care for the disabled. With our products we’ve won the two Innovation Awards at the Health and ICT trade fare in the Netherlands.
Our products challenge your disabled clients. Use our interactive wall Nebula to create a central space to play games together, or create artwork by coloring the wall with light. Explore the possibilities as you pass the wall in your wheelchair and discover how it responds with light and sound.
In the care for the disabled our interactive Sensory Board called Nebula XS is very popular. It’s a small and mobile version of our interactive wall which is mostly used by one client at a time. Touch it and see how the LED lights respond. Move your hands and play with the light effects you create, or experience how your voice influences the effects. Your client in the care for the disabled can now individually move, make music, color or just enjoy light effects he or she creates. Challenge your client both physically and mentally!