In occupational therapy most people work with traditional and snoozle materials. NYOYN shows that occupational activities can very will be combined with innovative products. With the interactive Sensory Board called Nebula XS, we already booked great results.
The Nebula XS interactive Sensory Board uses the newest technologies to stimulate the senses: visually, auditory and tactile. This makes it especially suitable for the challenging and activating the client during occupational therapy, but also for the care for the disabled, elderly, or rehabilitation.

When you touch the Nebula XS interactive Sensory Board you immediately see how the lights respond. Move your hands and play with the light effects, make music, and color with light. It’s a true experience stimulating the senses, challenging your client both physically and mentally. The variety of games and applications on a diversity of levels, make this product perfect for occupational therapy.

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