NYOYN develops its interactive playing material in close cooperation
with the largest child (day) care organisation in the Dutch province of
Brabant. The company also works closely together with one of the leading
child care networks in The Netherlands with the aim of exchanging
knowledge e.g. in the field of games played in the nurseries or day care
centres. This allows NYOYN to develop material that fits in with modern
games or playing activities and that has a bearing on the various
levels and age groups within the child care sector. Besides the question
‘How do children play with the products?’ we also address the role of
the educational staff.
It is expected that child care and education will increasingly be
provided under one and the same roof. These two activities will
therefore become more and more geared to one another. This trend within
the child (day) care sector will undoubtedly impact on the type of games
on offer. That is why NYOYN maintains close contact with various
professionals and experts within the child care sector, allowing the
company to incorporate the sector’s requirements in its new interactive
game concepts.
Thanks to this approach NYOYN’s games are not only fun for the children
but they also fit in extremely well with the organisational